Resolution of disputes regarding the supply of electricity

Application in the form of a letter

Appeals, complaints, and claims of consumers regarding the quality of the supply of electric energy and notifications of consumers about the threat to electrical safety must be made in writing and submitted by mail.

Recipients' addresses:

43000, Lutsk,
Yershova Street, 11A

Application using the mobile application 
Application using the mobile application
Dispute resolution procedure

All disputes and disagreements that may arise regarding the interpretation and application of the Electricity Supply Agreement or in connection with it or other disputes that may arise during the interaction between the Supplier and the Consumer will be resolved through negotiations
and consultations.

In case of impossibility of reaching the agreement of the Parties in the process of negotiations and consultations, the Parties have the right to apply for the resolution of the dispute to the Regulator in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Commission Carrying Out State Regulation in the Fields of Energy and Communal Services" and/or transfer dispute before commercial courts of Ukraine. Addressing the Regulator or its territorial subdivision does not deprive the Party of the right to resolve the dispute in court.In accordance with Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Commission Carrying Out State Regulation in the Fields of Energy and Communal Services", the Regulator ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of goods (services) produced (provided) by business entities operating in the spheres of energy and communal services, considering appeals from such consumers and settling disputes, providing clarifications on the application of regulatory acts of the Regulator: The Regulator considers complaints from consumers regarding the violation of their rights and interests by business entities operating in the fields of energy and communal services , and also resolves disputes arising between business entities operating in the fields of energy and communal services, on issues of: access/connection to electric, heat and gas networks, oil and food pipelines, centralized water supply and drainage networks; compliance by business entities with license conditions; the quality of goods and services provided to consumers in the fields of energy and utilities; other issues, consideration of which is assigned by law to the competence of the Regulator. The regulator considers consumer complaints in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Citizen Appeals". The resolution of disputes arising between business entities operating in the fields of energy and communal services is carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by the Regulator. During the review of complaints and the resolution of disputes, the Regulator has the right to demand from business entities operating in the fields of energy and communal services, copies of documents, explanations, and other information necessary to establish the factual circumstances of the case and settle disputes. Before making a decision on the merits of a disputed issue, the Regulator may conduct preliminary hearings with the involvement of interested parties and, if necessary, conduct unscheduled inspections. The procedure for holding preliminary hearings is determined by the Regulator. Based on the results of the review of the complaint and the resolution of disputes, the Regulator makes a decision on termination of the violation of the legislation in the relevant field by a business entity operating in the field of energy and communal services; termination of violation of license conditions by a business entity operating in the fields of energy and utility services; imposition of a fine on a business entity operating in the fields of energy and communal services, in accordance with the established procedure; termination of consideration of the applicant's appeal.

Settlement of Disputes
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